Subliminal Therapy: Using the Mind to Heal

Subliminal Therapy

Using the Mind to Heal

von Edwin K. Yager
Verlag: Crown House Publishing
Erscheinungsjahr: 2011
ISBN: 9781845907655

Die Yager-Therapie ist eine einfache, aber tiefgreifende Methode, anderen Menschen zu helfen, körperliche, geistige und emotionale Probleme zu überwinden.
Die von Dr. Edwin Yager entwickelte Methode nutzt die höhere innere Intelligenz, über die jeder Mensch verfügt, um die Ursachen der Probleme aufzufinden und zu lösen. Die Yager-Therapie ist daher eine ursachen­orientierte Behandlungs­methode, die es ermöglicht, in nur wenigen Sitzungen tiefgreifende und dauerhafte Veränderungen zu erreichen.
Die Methode ist so einfach, dass sie auch sehr erfolgreich als Selbsthilfemethode angewendet werden kann.

*Leider noch nicht auf Deutsch verfügbar*

Subliminal Therapy is a technique that utilizes hypnotic phenomena for therapeutic purpose without requiring a formal trance induction. The protocol is effective as a sole intervention or as an adjunct to other forms of treatment.

In this volume, the reader is introduced to the concepts and applications of Subliminal Therapy and taught its protocol as well. This includes establishing identifiable communication with the unconscious domain, uncovering influences that are causing current problems, and resolving those influences.

The logically applied protocol of Subliminal Therapy engages unconscious process to uncover the causes of presenting problems, whether manifesting physically, emotionally, intellectually or behaviorally, and then to resolve that influence through re-framing and re-conditioning. The causes of psychogenic problems are usually not consciously recognized; only the resultant symptom – the disability – is apparent.

Subliminal Therapy provides a practical, efficient and logical way to identify the cause, as well as a practical, efficient and logical way to resolve its influence.

Although Subliminal Therapy may be new concept for professionals, it has been evolving over the past thirty years into a most efficient protocol. The technique has proved especially effective in the treatment of anxiety and the effects of early abuse such as sexual dysfunction, unresolved anger and psychogenic medical problems.

Über den Autor
Edwin K.Yager PhD, is a clinical professor in the Department of Psychiatry, UCSD School of Medicine, and a staff psychologist for the UCSD Medical Group. He is certified as a consultant in hypnosis by the American Society of Clinical Hypnosis and is past-president and current board member of the San Diego Society of Clinical Hypnosis. Dr. Yager currently maintains a private practice in San Diego, California. He is the author of Foundations of Clinical Hypnosis

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